#1-Published in the Pilot April 20, 1921
The remains of Lloyd Wachter were brought here from Pender yesterday and the funeral held at the Catholic Church, Father Beyersdarfer officiating. He died at the city hospital in Sioux City, where he was operated upon for gastric ulcers and appendicitis. He was an A.E.F. boy and had never been well since he was mustered out. He was with the 2nd division and served in the Argonne and at Alleray in France. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wachter, of Pender, formerly of Herman, and was 29 years of age. Beside his parents he leave two sisters and a host of relatives and friends. The American legion boys at Pender placed a large U.S. flag over his bier, for it was what this old flag stands for he really gave up his life.
#2-Printed in the April 21, 1921 Enterprise, Blair, Nebraska
Pender Boy Buried Here
The body of Lloyd Wachter, 28 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wachter, of Pender, who died April 16, following an operation for appendicitis, was brought to Blair Tuesday on the train and funeral services were held from the local Catholic church with burial in the Catholic cemetery.
The deceased served in the late war and six of his comrades acted as pall-bearers.
Mr. and Mrs. Wachter have now buried five children and have the heart-felt sympathy of the community.
Mrs. Wachter lived in Blair years ago and will be remembered by the older residents as Emma Adams.
A large number of relatives were present at the funeral services, among them being Mr. and Mrs. John Wachter of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Will Adams, of Herman, and Mrs. Bree of Herman.
#3-21 Apr., 1921 - The Tribune - Herbert Lloye Wachter
The body of Lloyd Wachter of Pender was brought here Tuesday noon, and the funeral conducted at the Catholic church by the Rev. Fr. Byersdorffer. The deceased was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Antone Wachter who formerly lived near Herman. He was 28 years of age and had served his country during the world war and was taken sick with appendicitis a few weeks ago. He went to the hospital at Sioux City where he underwent an operation, and death ensued. He was laid to rest beside other members of the family in the Blair cemetery. There was a large number of relatives and friends from different points in attendance at the obsequies.
~~~Obituaries courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Public Library, Blair, Nebraska ~~~
FindaGrave 130648680