Obituary Record

Samuel Hunt
Died on 9/15/1923
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Published in Pilot on 26 September 1923

The body of Samuel Hunt was brought in from Fairfax, S.D., last Wednesday evening and the funeral was conducted by Elder Chase, of Lincoln, at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the Free Methodist church. Burial was by the side of his wife, who died many years ago while they were resident in this county.

Mr. Hunt was born at Rinebolt, Guernsey county, Ohio, Jan 1st, 1832, so was past 91 years of age at the time of his death. He grew to manhood there and in 1857 he was married to Miss Lydia Whitaker. One son, Charles Hunt, was born to them , who now lives at Kelso, Washington. They moved to Downy, Ia., in 1859 and his wife died that same year.

In 1868, he was married to Miss Sarah Beistlin, and five children were born to them, John, of Fairfax, S.D., Mrs. Chas. Fletcher, of Marysville, Kans., Mrs. Kate Roberts, of Randolph, Neb., Harry Hunt, of Broadwater, Neb., and Miss Rilla Hunt, of St. Joseph, Mo. They moved to this county in 1872 and made their home on what is now the Olaf Kronberg place for twenty-one years, moving from there to Wayne county, where they lived for ninetneen years.

In recent years, he had made his home with his son, John at Fairfax. Besides his six children he is survived by one brother, Nathan Hunt, of San Diego, Calif., and one sister, Mrs. Edward Hollingsworth, of Missouri Valley, Ia.

Mr. Hunt united with the Free Methodist church in 1888 and was a faithful adherent to the church since that time. He was a neighbor to the writer in our boyhood days and we remember many kindly acts that showed something of the sturdiness of his Christian character. He was a good neighbor and citizen and the world is just a little better for his having lived in it, we are sure.

(Mr. Hunt's date of death was not given, nor was his place of burial; those facts were obtained through the website Find-A-Grave)

See Find-A-Grave 80462345

Printed in the Blair Pilot on 9/26/1923