Hitchman, Eugene “Gene” (Robert Eugene)11/18/1926
Note: his tombstone is Eugene Hitchman, and that is how he is listed in the Blair cemetery.
1) Published in the Tuesday, November 24, 1926 Pilot, Blair, Nebraska
Eugene Hitchman passed away at the Blair hospital last Thursday evening. We noted in these columns of the shooting accident and of the efforts made to save his life. The little fellow’s bowels were pierced three times and a second operation was found necessary to relieve a restriction. This proved more than his little hear was able to stand and death resulted. The funeral service was held at the Congregational church at 2 o’ clock Saturday afternoon Rev. A. F. Newell officiating and there wasn’t room enough for all the friends to get into the building to show their sympathy and to mourn with the grief stricken parents. The floral offerings were unusually generous and beautiful for so young a lad, but the entire community poured out a wealth of sympathy for the bereaved parents and relatives. Robert Eugene was born at Plattsmouth, Nebr., March 3, 1915, so wasn’t yet 12 years of age. He was quiet by nature and seemed mature for his years, a very promising lad indeed. That his career was so suddenly and so sadly ended doesn’t mean his short life was lived in vain, for, as his pastor said, his coming had brought so much of love, and his passing so much of loving sympathy that the world is just that much better for his having lived the short twelve years he was allowed.
2) Published in the Thursday, November 25, 1926 Enterprise, Blair, Nebraska
Little Eugene Hitchman, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hitchman of this city, passed away last Thursday evening at the Blair hospital, the victim of an accidental shooting. Without question this was the saddest accident that has happened in the city and threw a shadow of sorrow that was felt in every home. He was a bright, active, manly boy of near twelve years of age and gave promise of a great future but destiny deemed otherwise.
The accident occurred on Saturday, November 13th, a gun in the hands of a playmate being discharged and the bullet entering the abdomen. He was taken to the hospital and everything known to medical skill was employed to save him and for a time hope was held out to the stricken family but on Thursday morning the turn came for the worse, his heart action became bad and it was evident that the end was near and he passed away that same evening.
The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at two o’clock from the Congregational church and interment was made in the Blair cemetery.
To the family the whole community extends every sympathy. It is a sad affair and the hearts of all go out to the sorrowing family. Three other children are left, which is a great comfort, but the place in the home and the hearts of the mother and father can never be filled, that place and that parent love will always be for little Eugene.
3) Published in the Thursday, November 25, 1926 Tribune, Blair, Nebraska
Death Results From Accidental Shooting
‘Gene Hitchman Dies After Second Operation for Removal of Foreign Matter in Bowel
Effects Action of Heart
Funeral Held Saturday Afternoon and was Largely Attended
After the performing of a second operation for the removal of foreign matter in the bowels and receiving a great deal of encouragement from attending physicians, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hitchman were called upon to suffer the loss of their son, Eugene, who passed away at the local hospital Thursday, evening following his accidental shooting by Jackie Aye the preceding Saturday.
At the time of the shooting Jackie and several other children were playing with a .22 caliber rifle and ‘Gene, who had been sent on an errand by his mother, stopped to see what the boys were doing. As the rifle exploded, ‘Gene received the bullet in his abdomen. He was taken to the hospital and a specialist hurriedly summoned from Omaha, who, upon performing an operation, found the bowels to be punctured in seven different places. Much hope was given the parents of the unfortunate boy providing no complications set in; and a few days later a second operation was found necessary and the condition of the wounds was so favorable that further hopes were held out for the lad’s recovery. Later, the boy’s heart action became weak and while everything possible was done it was to no avail and the spirit of the little one passed on.
‘Gene, who was eleven years old, was a likeable little chap; the idol of his parents and the possessor of hosts of friends among the boys of his acquaintance. Richard Eugene was born March 3, 1915, at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, and came to Blair with his parents when his father was in company with C.M. and A.B. Hitchman, became interest in the Farmers State Bank several years ago. Besides the bereaved parents there is a brother, Robert, and two sisters, Barbara and Jane, to mourn the passing of the manly little fellow.
Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon from the Congregational church in charge of Rev. A. F. Newell and were largely attended. Many floral tributes bore mute evidence of the public for the bereaved parents, who had so suddenly been bereft of their first born. The burden which the grief stricken family had been compelled to bear was made lighter by expressions of comfort and sympathy, not only from the excellent discourse by Rev. Newell, but from their many friends and those who had been admirers and acquaintances of the unfortunate lad who had been so untimely taken.
4) Card of Thanks printed in the Nov. 26, 1926 Pilot, Blair, Nebraska
CARD OF THANKS: We wish in this way to express our sincere thanks and deepest appreciation of the many kindnesses shown us after the injury and death of our son, Eugene, and at the funeral and burial service. We deeply appreciate the almost innumerable expressions of sympathy and want to especially thank all who sent the beautiful flowers for the funeral service. We want to thank the minister, singers, and pallbearers for their kindly service and comforting words.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hitchman, and family
~~~ Obituaries courtesy of Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Public Library, Blair, Nebraska. ~~~
FindaGrave # 53133101