#1-Printed in the July 21, 1927 Enterprise, Blair, Nebraska
The sad news reached here of the death of Rev. Geo. Smith at his home at Whittier, Cali. last Friday evening, July 15th. Rev. Smith was pastor of the Baptist church here for a number of years and was loved and respected by all who knew him. He was in poor health during the latter part of his residence here and upon advice of his physician moved with his family to Calif. in hopes of benefiting his health. He enjoyed better health a part of the time but the Master for whom he had chosen to labor called and he entered into eternal sleep. Rev. Smith is survived by his wife, two sons and two daughters as immediate members of his family. The children are Gwendoline, Jeannette, Kenneth and Ralph. Burial was made at Whittier. Their many Herman friends extend heart felt sympathy to them in the loss of their loved one.
#2-Published in the Enterprise July 21, 1927
Former Blair Boy Dies In West
Word was received Saturday morning by Mrs. Olive J. Smith that her son, Rev. George A. Smith had passed away at his home in Whittier, Calif., Friday July 5th at 12:45 p.m. George is the third child of the late John George Smith and Olive J. Smith and was born in Blair, Nebraska November 24, 1874.
George grew to young manhood in Blair and was educated in the Blair schools. He clerked in the grocery stores of Chas. Cooke and W. W. Stockton, later going into the grocery business for himself.
At the age of nineteen he united with the First Baptist Church and soon after was called to enter the ministry, receiving his training at the Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. His first churches were Arnold and Gundy in Western Nebraska, he later returned to Blair and was ordained April 5, 1900 in the Baptist Church, after which he became pastor of the church at Herman and New England.
July 2, 1901 he was married to Gwendolyn Z. Taylor, the eldest daughter of Mrs. And Mrs. A. J. Taylor of Blair. To this union four children were born: Jean, Jeannette, Gwendolene, Kenneth and Ralph.
Following his pastorates at Herman and New England, he went to David City and Octavia, then to Riverside and Silver Creek, Bancroft and then to Malvern, Ia. In 1914 he returned to Herman to serve as pastor a second time, remaining there until December 1917 when he was taken ill and advised by his physician to go to California for his health. After partially regaining his health in California he served as pastor of the church in Oxnard and Chowchilla. He became ill again then moved to Whittier, Calif. and never recovered from this last illness.
He leaves to mourn his death, his mother, his wife and four children, four sisters, Mrs. Luvia Cox, of Farragut, Ia.; Mrs. Edith Hawkins of Williams, Ore.’ Misses Frances and Grace of Blair, and four brothers, Wm. F. and Burtis of Omaha. Chester of Long Beach and Raymond of Van Nuys, Calif., also other relatives and many friends. His father preceded him in death June 10, 1915 and his brother, Philip, November 5, 1918.
Funeral services and interment will be at Whittier, California.
#2-Published in the Enterprise July 21, 1927
Former Blair Boy Dies In West
Word was received Saturday morning by Mrs. Olive J. Smith that her son, Rev. George A. Smith had passed away at his home in Whittier, Calif., Friday July 5th at 12:45 p.m. George is the third child of the late John George Smith and Olive J. Smith and was born in Blair, Nebraska November 24, 1874.
George grew to young manhood in Blair and was educated in the Blair schools. He clerked in the grocery stores of Chas. Cooke and W. W. Stockton, later going into the grocery business for himself.
At the age of nineteen he united with the First Baptist Church and soon after was called to enter the ministry, receiving his training at the Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. His first churches were Arnold and Gundy in Western Nebraska, he later returned to Blair and was ordained April 5, 1900 in the Baptist Church, after which he became pastor of the church at Herman and New England.
July 2, 1901 he was married to Gwendolyn Z. Taylor, the eldest daughter of Mrs. And Mrs. A. J. Taylor of Blair. To this union four children were born: Jean, Jeannette, Gwendolene, Kenneth and Ralph.
Following his pastorates at Herman and New England, he went to David City and Octavia, then to Riverside and Silver Creek, Bancroft and then to Malvern, Ia. In 1914 he returned to Herman to serve as pastor a second time, remaining there until December 1917 when he was taken ill and advised by his physician to go to California for his health. After partially regaining his health in California he served as pastor of the church in Oxnard and Chowchilla. He became ill again then moved to Whittier, Calif. and never recovered from this last illness.
He leaves to mourn his death, his mother, his wife and four children, four sisters, Mrs. Luvia Cox, of Farragut, Ia.; Mrs. Edith Hawkins of Williams, Ore.’ Misses Frances and Grace of Blair, and four brothers, Wm. F. and Burtis of Omaha. Chester of Long Beach and Raymond of Van Nuys, Calif., also other relatives and many friends. His father preceded him in death June 10, 1915 and his brother, Philip, November 5, 1918.
Funeral services and interment will be at Whittier, California.
#3 Published in the July, 21, 1927 Tribune
Rev. George Smith Dies at Home in California
Word was received in this city last Saturday morning of the death of Rev. George Smith, who died at his home in Whittier, Calif. last Friday noon, following a short illness of heart trouble. The deceased was born and reared in this community, and was highly respected by everyone. He attended the local public schools, after which he studied theology and was ordained a minister of the Baptist church in 1900.
In 1901 he was married to Miss Gwen Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Taylor of this city and to this union four children were born, all of whom are living. Rev. Smith held pastorates at David City and Bancroft and for a good many years he was minister of the Baptist church at Herman, where he gained the love and respect of all who came in contact with him.
To date no message has been received by relatives in this city as to when the funeral is to be held, but it is known that burial will take place in California.
He leaves to mourn his loss, besides his bereaved wife, two sons, Kenneth and Ralph; two daughters, Gwendolene and Jeanette; his mother, Mrs. Olive J. Smith of this city; four brothers, Will and Burtis of Omaha, Chester of Long Beach, Calif., and Ray of Van Nuys, Calif.; and four sisters, Mrs. W. T. Cox of Farragut, Ia., Mrs. J. A. Hawkins of Williams, Ore., and the Misses Frances and Grace Smith of this city.
~~Obituaries courtesy of Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Public Library, Blair, Nebraska ~~~ |