Henry A. Spring
Published in The Pilot December 1, 1926
H. A. Spring died at his home in Irvington last Friday of heart trouble, following an illness of almost a year. The funeral service was held at the Congregation Church of which he was a member, conducted by Rev. Bicknell, a Christian Church minister, of Sidney, Nebr. Burial was in Mt. Hope Cemetery. Deceased was born at Bethel, Mich., August 8th, 1858, so was past 68 years of age. He grew to manhood there and was married to Miss Sarah McCourtie on August 14th, 1878, coming to this county that same week. They settled upon a farm west of Blair, which was their home for about 25 years. They moved to Benson in 1903, then to a small farm near Irvington and six years ago into the house in which his death occurred. He is survived by his wife, one son, Carl, of Benson, Mrs. Chris Hinz, who lives south of Blair and Mrs. Wm. Beales, near Irvington. There are nine grandchildren. Mr. Spring was a member of the Blair Lodge I. O. O. F. and a number of his lodge brothers went down to attend the funeral service Monday. Mr. Spring was a high type, honorable citizen who will be greatly missed by his family and many friends.
~The first name was established through his wife’s obituary published in the Enterprise, February 28, 1929
Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clipping on file at the Blair Public Library.
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