Obituary Record

Jacob Jay Long
Died on 5/7/1927

#1 Published in the Pilot May 11, 1927

Jacob Jay Long

J. J. Long passed away at 6:30 Saturday evening, having been ailing for some time, though not considered seriously sick until about a week ago. The funeral service was held at the residence on east Colfax Street at 9:30 o’clock yesterday morning, Rev. W. H. B. Robb officiating, assisted by Rev. W. H. Underwood. The body was taken to their old home at Avoca, Is., for burial by the side of a son, John, who was killed in the Spanish-American war. Jacob Jay Long was born in Scioto County, Penn., November 24th, 1839, so was 87 years of age last November. The family moved to Shenandoah, Ia., when he was a small boy and he grew to manhood there. He was married to Miss Agnes Ballard 61 years ago December 31st, last. They had lived in Nebraska about 16 years. Six children were born to them, two daughters died in infancy and John gave his life for his country in 1898. The living are Mrs. Bell Conger, of Loup City, Nebr., Mrs. August Walter, of Walnut, Ia., and Fred Long, who lives on a farm south of Blair. There are seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. His widow, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long, Mr. and Mrs. August Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Conger, Weston Long, Mr. and Earl Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stokes, of Herman and Rev. and Mrs. W. H. B. Robb accompanied the body to Avoca. Others here from a distance to attend the funeral service were Mrs. Henry Long and daughter, Mrs. George Nichols, and husband, of Murray, Nebr., Mrs. And Mrs. Jay Stokes and son, Shirey, of Herman. Mr. Long also leaves two sisters, his brother Henry having passed away only last year. Mr. Long was of the honest, sturdy type of manhood that no community has too many of. His many friends extend deepest sympathy to the bereaved family.

#2 Printed in the May 12, 1927 Tribune, Blair, Nebraska


J. J. Long Dies Saturday Following General Decline

Another early day resident was called to his reward last Saturday, when J. J. Long passed away at his home in this city at the age of 87 years. Death was due to old age and followed a general decline in health of several month’s duration.

Funeral services were held at the late home Tuesday morning, after which the remains were taken by hearse to Avoca, Iowa where they were laid to rest. Many besides the following family following the remains to their last resting place.

Jacob J. Long was born November 24, 1839 in Tioga county, Penn., being 87 years, 5 months and 13 days of age at death. From Pennsylvania the family moved to Wisconsin, and in 1859 emigrated to Iowa.

December 31, 1865 Mr. Long was married to Agnes Catherine Ballard and to this union six children were born, two of the older girls passing away in infancy and a son, John, who was killed in the Spanish-American war in Cuba in 1898. The remaining children are Effie L. Walters of Walnut, Iowa, Belle M. Conger of Loup City, Nebr., and Fred B., who lives on the farm near Blair. There are also seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren who, with the widow, are left to mourn the loss of a good husband and father and an upright citizen who will be greatly missed by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. There are also two aged sisters, Mrs. Catherine Hall of Shenandoah, Iowa and Mrs. Julia Adams of Trear, Kansas.

~~~Obituaries courtesy of the Nebraska Washington County Genealogical Society. News clippings on file in the Blair, Nebraska Public Library~~~

FindaGrave 187976458

Printed in the Blair Pilot on 5/11/1927