Obituary Record

Mauritz Carlson
Died on 10/17/1927
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Mauritz Carlson

31 Published in the Pilot October 19, 1927

M. Carlson Died Monday-Proprietor of Carlson’s Café-Was Sick About Ten Days

Mauritz Carlson, proprietor of the Carlson Café, located in a part of the old Merchants Hotel building on north Walker Avenue, passed away at 9:25 Monday evening. He had been seriously ill for about ten days with hardening of the liver, pneumonia finally settling in as the immediate cause of death.

Deceased was born in Sweden Sept. 22nd, 1881, so was just past 46 years of age. He came to this country when 23 of age and lived in Blencoe, Ia., for a time. He was united in marriage to Miss Nella Nielsen at Onawa, Ia., December 28th, 1910, and came to Blair shortly after.

He conducted a restaurant where Robinson’s Café is now located for several years, buying out John Rodgers. Later he moved to the old Merchants Hotel building where he has conducted a café successfully for a number of years. He was a hard worker, giving more time to his business than he did to his health, so had been a sufferer from stomach and liver trouble for some years.

He is survived by his wife, a brother, Carl C. Carlson, of Sunnyville, Calif., and a sister in Castana, Ia. Also, his aged mother in Sweden. Word has been received from the brother in California that he cannot be here for the funeral service.

The funeral service will be held at the Congregational Church at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon, October 21st, conducted by Rev. A. F. Newell. Burial will be in the Blair Cemetery, in charge of Trapbois Camp No. 1295, Modern Woodmen of America, of which he was a member and in which he carried a policy for $1,000. He also carried $5000 in old line insurance.

The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of their many friends. Mr. Carlson will be greatly missed not only by his close friends but by the public whom he served in the restaurant business in Blair for so many years.

32 20 Oct., 1927 - The Tribune


Death of Mauritz Carlson is Shock to Community

Mauritz Carlson was born in Sweden the 22nd of September, 1881, and died at his home in this city at 9:00 o’clock on Monday evening following an illness of about ten days duration. The deceased had not been in the best of health for several months, and was only bedfast for several days, but the latter part of the week he was seized with an attack of pneumonia that caused his death.

The deceased came to the United States when he was a youth and located at Onawa, Iowa, where he was the proprietor of a hotel business for a number of years. In 1910 he was married to Miss Nella Nielsen of that city. Seven years ago last spring he disposed of his business interest in Onawa and later came to Blair where he purchased the restaurant business he operated up to the time of his death. He was a man of good habits and of a highly industrious nature and built up a fine business during his few years in this city. While here he gained a wide acquaintance and has a host of friends who will greatly miss him.

He leaves to survive his loss, besides his bereaved wife, one brother, Carl Carlson at Sunnyvale California and one sister, Mrs. Eric Anderson of Castina, Iowa.

Funeral services will be held at the Congregational church in this city tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 o’clock, the Rev. A. F. Newell officiating, after which the body will be laid to rest in Blair cemetery.

~~~Obituaries courtesy of the Nebraska Washington County Genealogical Society. News clippings on file in the Blair, Nebraska Public Library~~~

Printed in the Blair Pilot on 10/19/1927