John Hood Cameron
#1-Published in the Enterprise July 7, 1927
The death angel called and Mr. John H. Cameron, aged 84 years, answered the call last Saturday afternoon, July 2. The deceased had been failing in health for some time and although his death was not unexpected it cast a shadow of gloom over the entire community. He was one of the early settlers here, a pioneer of this community and lived an honorable upright life and the family is one of the most well known and highly respected in this county. Besides the wife, Mr. Cameron is survived by four sons, Hiram B., Charles S., and Howard of Herman and Max Leo of Blair; a ward Mrs. Josephine Cameron Kepler of Anselmo, Nebr., whom he reared as a daughter, who sincerely mourn his death. Funeral services will be held today (Tuesday) at the farm home where he has resided for so many years with interment in the Herman Cemetery.
#2-Published in the Pilot July 13, 1927
County Pioneer Passes Away-John H. Cameron Died at His Home East of Herman July 2nd-Was Pioneer Politician
The death of John Cameron, of Herman, one of the prominent citizens and pioneers of the county is worthy of more than passing interest. He was a man of unusual ability and keenness and was twice honored by the people of the county as their representative in the state legislature.
Mr. Cameron was also a prominent candidate for Lieutenant Governor in 1890, having made such a good record while serving two terms as a member of the lower house of the state legislature. He was a familiar figure in Blair especially at county convention time, that he will be greatly missed by many old friends.
The following splendid obituary was prepared by Rev. J. F. Poucher, formerly pastor of the Methodist Church at Herman, and appeared last week in the Herman Record:
This community was deeply saddened last Saturday, July 2, when it was announced late in the day that John H. Cameron had passed away at his home a mile south of Herman. It was not a surprise as it had been known for several days that the end was near and might come at any moment. He had been in rather feeble health for a number of years and a week before he had suffered a stroke of paralysis which affected his left side. Not withstanding this, he retained consciousness until practically the very last.
Funeral services were held at the family home Tuesday afternoon and the outpouring from different parts of the county of those who came to pay a tribute to one whom they had during their lifetime, learned to respect and love was evidence of the universal esteem in which he was held by all who knew him.
The services were conducted by Rev. John F. Poucher, of Omaha, a lifelong friend of the deceased and his family, and Rev. T. J. Reese, pastor of the Herman Baptist Church. Music was furnished by a quartette consisting of Mrs. L. V. Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hanson and Fred Robertson with Mrs. E. P. Hanson at the piano. Mrs. Neil Cameron of Omaha sang a solo.
The pallbearers were four sons of the deceased, Hiram, Charles, Howard and Leo, and two nephews, Neil D. Cameron, of Omaha, and Frank Cameron, of Tekamah. Interment was at the Herman Cemetery.
John Hood Cameron was born at Perth, Scotland, June 20, 1843, his age at death being 84 years and 11 days. When he was three years old his parents came to the United States settling in Grant County, Wisconsin. Early in the Civil War he enlisted in Company C, Second Wisconsin Cavalry, in which he served through the war being mustered out in 1865,
In April, 1866, he came to Nebraska, settling in Washington County, this before a railroad had reached this county and three years before the establishment of the city of Blair. In 1873 he was he was married to Miss Ella A. Burdle at Herman and with his bride settled on the farm which has been their home for more that fifty-four years.
To this union were born five sons, Frank passed away at the age of nine. Those surviving are Hiram B., Charles S., and J. Howard, all of Herman and Max Leo of Blair.
The trials and hardships and strenuous labor and disappointments of pioneer life marked the early years of his residence here. Mr. Cameron was a great lover of music and a performer on the violin of no mean ability and his services in that capacity were in demand within a considerable radius at those social gatherings which were the bright spot in the hard life of the early home builder. Often after a day of arduous labor on the farm he was developing, he would mount his horse with his instrument, ride maybe a score of miles, play for dancing till a late hour, ride home again to take up the strenuous duties of the farm for another day. It was hard work but it brought cash which was especially acceptable in those days.
Mr. Cameron was always actively interested in political matters and in 1887 he was elected to represent Washington County in the State Legislature , being re-elected in 1889. He always acted with the republican party until 1896 when he joined the Silver Republican movement. He was temporary chairman of the Silver Republican state convention that year. In later years he was affiliated with the Democratic party.
He was a charter member of Herman Lodge No. 237 A.O.U.W., and was also a member of the Knights of Pythias.
All his life was a force to be reckoned with in the support of every movement for the upbuilding of the community, with a ready hand to sustain a friend, relieve the needy and suffering of restrain wrong doing.
Although still making his home on the farm he was for several years engaged in the mercantile business in Herman as a member of the firm of Newell & Cameron. Retiring from this he extended his farming operations, adding to the original quarter section on which he settled until the “Cameron Ranch” as his farm is known embraced over a thousand acres.
He is survived by his wife, four sons, two grandchildren, besides friends. He was a loving husband and indulgent father, a kind and steadfast friend and always a champion of the better things in life.
#3 Published in July,7, 1927 Tribune
John H. Cameron Dies Following Stroke of Paralysis
One of Washington county’s early settlers was called Saturday when John H. Cameron of near Herman passed to the great beyond following a stroke of paralysis which he suffered the preceding week. The end was not unexpected by the family as the advanced age and physical condition of the sufferer made recovery almost impossible.
Mr. Cameron was born in Scotland at Scone, the scene of the crowning of the old Scottish kings, in 1843, and came to this country with his parents in 1845. They settled in Wisconsin and Mr. Cameron remained there until after the Civil War. He was a member of the Second Wisconsin Cavalry, and was in the engagement at Old River Lake, Arkansas. After the close of hostilities, he cast out for a new home for himself and settled in Washington county as showing great possibilities. On his arrival here in 1866, he went into the first work he could find which was that of getting out timber and railway ties along the river. This work yielded him enough to buy a yoke of oxen with which he started breaking prairie. An old incident connected with this first Nebraska investment of Mr. Cameron’s is the fact that the team was purchased while the owner was using it to break prairie where the town of Blair now stands. Afterward Mr. Cameron sold this same man a yoke of oxen which were the biggest ever seen in the state, weighing over 4200 pounds. His first purchase of land was in the winter of 1868 when he paid $1400 for the quarter section on which the improvements on the farm near Herman now stand.
Mr. Cameron was married to Miss Ella A. Burdic February 12, 1878, and is survived by the widow and four sons, Hiram, who is postmaster at Herman, Charles, Howard and Leo.
Funeral services were held from the Cameron home at 3:00 o’clock Tuesday afternoon and the remains were laid to rest in the Herman cemetery.
~~~~~Obituaries courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file at the Blair Public library.