Published in the Blair Pilot November 9, 1927
Former Blair Resident Dies-Bruno Eyferth Died in Duluth, Minn., October 8th, of Kidney Trouble
A letter from Mrs. Ida. M Eyferth to Denna Allbery, of Denver, advises that her husband, Bruno Eyferth, passed away at their home at 2001 East Sixth Street, Duluth, Minn., from an attack of kidney trouble, on October 8th.
Bruno Eyferth came to Blair in the early days from Germany, and for some time was employed in Herman Bros. Clothing store and was active in the business and social affairs of the growing and thriving city. Later he became associated with the Bank of A. Castetter (later changed to the Banking House of A. Castetter) where he was a trusted employee for many years, later changing over to the First National Bank of Blair.
Upon leaving the employ of the latter bank he went to Duluth and became associated with one of the leading banks and trust companies of that city, where he served faithfully until the time of his death.
He was married while living in Blair to Miss Ida M. Jackman, daughter of Mr. Jackman, who was connected with the Blair Flouring Mill, whom he leaves, along with one daughter, Miss Metta, and a large circle of friends and acquaintance.
Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clipping on file at the Blair Public Library.