The following information was given by a great-great grandson:
Peter was born Johan Peder Nielson Klingenberg, but dropped the last name upon emigration. He was born in Tualov, Vejle, Denmark. His first wife was Cidsel Poulson, who died shortly after arriving in the U.S. He then married Agatha Christine Pederson of Rakkeby, Hjorring, Denmark.
Cidsel and Peter had one son, Rasmus Nelson. He used the spelling Nelson and so it has remained down to the great-great grandson's mother.
Christine and Peter had four children: Nels Peter; Mary; Rose & Anna.
Find a Grave # 26436929 Kennard Cemetery Blk 4 Lt 33 Sp 5; Note, listed in the cemetery as Johan Peder (Klingenberg) Nielsen, nickname Peter.