May 12, 1898-The Pilot- Thomas Slayback
Thos. Slayback, aged 55 years, 1 month, and 17 days, died at his home in Kennard, April 27th after an illness of two weeks, which was the direct result of disease contracted while in the army. He was a kind husband and a loving affectionate father. Mr. Slayback marched with Sherman on the famous march to the sea. John A. Dix Post and Atlantic Post attended the services, which were conducted by Rev. Eggleston of Valley, in a body. Mr. Slayback leaves a wife and three children, two girls and one boy to mourn their loss. His remains were followed to their last resting place, the Kennard Cemetery, by a large concourse of friends and neighbors.- Communicated
#2-Pvt. Thomas Slayback (69th Ohio Infantry Co A)
Thomas Slayback was born on March 10, 1843 and enlisted as a 20-year old private on September 12, 1861. He served nearly 4 years and was discharged on July 17, 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
The 69th Ohio Infantry was organized at Camp Chase, Ohio in November, 1861. The regiment was involved in many battles and campaigns during the Civil War. Some of them were:
• Battle of Chickamauga (September 19-21, 1862).
• Siege of Atlanta (July 22-August, 1864).
• General Sherman's "March to the Sea" (November 15-December 10, 1864).
• Grand Review of the Troops in Washington DC (May 24, 1865).
Slayback was a member of Post 52 (Blair) of the Grand Army of the Republic. He died on April 27, 1898.
Information provided by Dean Podoll.
Note: Spouse Amanda (Manda) (Wright) (Dunkle) On March 21, 1870, she was married to Thomas Slayback. To this union seven children were born.
Buried in Kennard Cemetery in Blk 3 Lt 48 Sp 2. Find a Grave Memorial # 26513786