Since the death date was not given the newspaper article date was used.
#1-Published in The Pilot August 8, 1918
Word has been received in Blair of the death of Mary Ellen Wainwright, a daughter of the late Rev. Wainwright who was a missionary in Japan. She suffered a fall in April which it is thought caused an abscess which discharged puss and caused blood poisoning. The remains were cremated at her request and the ashes were buried at Okayama, Japan. Her mother and sister, Emma, are still residents of this city, where the deceased grew to womanhood.
#2-Published in the Tribune September 19, 1918
Memorial Services For Mary E. Wainwright
The memorial services held last Sunday at the Congregational Church in this city, for Miss Mary E. Wainwright, a missionary for thirty years in Japan and sho died in the Orient last month was largely attended. The platform was banked with beautiful flowers and a photograph of the deceased was framed in a mass of daisies. Rev. Mr. Bross, of Lincoln, a lifelong friend of the Wainwright family delivered the discourse. Rev. Bross is 81 years of age but has the appearance and force of delivery of a man of 40. Letters of condolence to the relatives in Blair and newspaper clippings regarding the life and death of Miss Wainwright were read by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Jones. A quartette consisting of D. C. Van Deusen, G. A. Harkness and the Misses Mary Cook and Myfanny Jones sang a number of appropriate selection, among which was Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar," with great effect.
~~~Obituary courtesy of the Washington Genealogical Society. Newspaper clipping on file at the Blair Public Library.~~~