George Flinn Dead
George Flinn, a pioneer resident of Blair, died at the home of his brother, Wallace, in Omaha on Friday, April 24, 1914, of heart trouble.
George Flinn was born in Belfast, N. Y., April 18, 1857, and came to Blair in 1876, where he made his home for many years. He was married in 1887 to Miss Stella Houghton, a sister of our townsman, C. A. Houghton. To this union two children were born, one son, George, and daughter, Goldie, who, with the mother are left to mourn his demise. The wife and children are now at Oakland, Calif., Mr. Flinn having come back to Omaha some three months ago, because he couldn’t stand the climate of the Pacific slope.
The remains were brought up from Omaha Tuesday morning by his brothers, Arch, Fred, Floyd and Wallace, and sister, Mrs. Alice Pettigrew, and interred in the family lot in the Blair Cemetery.