Bryant, Burdette Lynn, 19
Died 9 July 1905
#1-Published in Pilot on 10 July 1905
After several weeks illness Burdette Bryant died at the hospital at four o'clock Sunday afternoon. Burdette was operated on several weeks ago and for a few days got along nicely when his condition took a change for the worse and for a couple of days his life was despaired of. He again rallied and his friends confidentially looked for his recovery and many of them did not know that his condition was serious until his death was announced. Burdette was a bright energetic little fellow and a favorite with all who knew him. The funeral service will be held at the residence at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday.
#2-Published in Blair Courier 12 July 1905
After the bravest fight for life we have ever known of Burdette Bryant passed quietly out into the great beyond at about 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. He was taken suddenly ill with appendicitis about a month ago and on June 15th was operated upon by Dr. Leake of Fremont, assisted by Dr. J.S. Mortlock, the family physician. They found the appendix had already sloughed off and in a few days after peritonitis set in, which would undoubtedly have caused his death in a few days but for the use of an anti-toxin by Dr. Murdoch, who was called in when Dr. Mortlock left the city. The effect of the poison was overcome and the patient steadily improved for some time, but being of a naturally weak constitution he hadn't sufficient strength to carry him through. His nerve was all right, though, and he never once lost possession of himself even when he knew he could not get well. He was ready and met the Great Conqueror with a brave heart. The funeral was held at the family residence on South street at 3:30 yesterday, Rev. A.G. Axtell of the Congregational church officiating, assisted by Rev. J.W. Larkin of Oakland, Ia., formerly pastor at this place.
Burdette Lynn Bryant was born in Omaha, Sept. 14, 1885, and was but fourteen months old when his mother died, leaving another babe only two weeks old. A sister to the dead mother who afterwards became Mrs. Bryant, took care of the children and the family moved to Blair about 11 years ago . Burdette was a splendid young fellow and as his pastor said there was not a single stain upon his character, a tribute that is not easily surpassed. The pallbearers were Charley Roberts, Frank Curley, Frank Willsey, Rufus Claar, Robert Adams and Mark Beaty.
#2-13 July, 1905 - The Blair Democrat - Burdette Bryant
The death of Burdette Bryant last Sunday afternoon at the home of his parents on South street was no surprise as his condition had been very unfavorable for a week previous. Shortly after coming home from Tekamah, where he had been tracking the horses with his mother, the boy was taken violently ill and was operated on for appendicitis about a week later. The operation was a success, but the boy’s condition was against him. Burdette made one of the grandest fights for life and was a patient sufferer and it wasn’t until everybody else had given up that he at last felt that he wouldn’t get well. Burdette was an exemplary, unassuming young man, liked and respected by all who knew him and despite his young years was a fine horseman. Deceased was born in Omaha twenty years ago next September, coming to Blair with his parents about ten years ago. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at the house, and interment made in the Blair cemetery, Rev. Axtell officiating. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community in their hour of sorrow.
~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~
Find a Grave # 131388183