Obituary Record

Hanna (Dunklau) Jacob
Died on 9/5/1925



Mrs. Hanna Friederike Jacob, nee Dunklau, was born in Westphalia, Germany, May 4, 1836. Soon after her birth she received the holy sacrament of baptism, and whn about 14 years of age was confirmed in her christian faith. In 1865 she was married to John Henry Jacob with whom she lived in matrimony for 42 years. In 1869 she came with her family to this country, directly to Washington county, Nebr., where she resided unto her end.

Eight children were born to her, four sons and four daughters, of whom two sons and one daughter preceded her in death, one son in infancy, the other at the age of 22, and the daughter, Mrs. Herman Scheer after a long illness in 1917. Her husband died in 1907, 18 years ago. Also 2 daughters-in-law preceded her in death.

Almost a year and a half ago Mrs. Jacob fell and obtained injuries to her left hip as to confine her to her bed, lying continually on her back. Yet she was always patient, trusting in her dear Lord who makes all things to work together for good to them that love God. During the last months of her life her hearing failed more and more and during the last weeks entirely. But she did not forget her God and Savior but remained in staut in prayer.

She died September 5, at the home of J.G. Giesselmann at the good old age of 89 years, 5 months and 4 days, and leaves to mourn her loss beside an aged brother, Mr. Z. Dunklau, now in his 92nd year, 2 sons, Herman and Henry Jacob, 3 daughters, Mrs. J.G. Giesselmann, Mrs. Gottleib Hartung, Mrs. Wm. Echtenkamp of Wayne, Nebr., 4 sons-in-law, 2 daughters-in-law, 44 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were conducted September 8 by Rev. G.W. Wolter at St. Paul's Lutheran church amid a large attendance.


We herewith desire to thank our kind friends and neighbors for their kind assistance and sympathy during the illness and after the death of our dear mother, the minister for his kind words and the teacher for the music and also the donors of the beautiful flowers.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jacob, Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Hartung, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Scheer, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Echtenkamp, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jacob, Mr. and Mrs. Gottleib Giesselman

Printed in the Arlington Review-Herald on 9/17/1925