Anderson, Peter 9/2/1908
#1-Printed in the a September, 1908 issue of the Blair Democrat, Blair, Nebraska
Peter Anderson, an old and respected resident of Grant township and a member of the Board of Directors of the Blair Telephone Co., died at the hospital in this city last Wednesday as a result of an attack of severe appendicitis.
The Friday previous Mr. Anderson came to town and spent nearly the whole day at the county judge’s office making out his will and the following day went to the hospital where he was operated on Sunday, but the case had developed into a serious condition and he passed away Wednesday.
Mr. Anderson was a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge of Blair and the remains were taken to his home by several members of this order on Thursday. The funeral was held at the Rose Hill church Friday and the remains laid to rest in the cemetery near the church.
Mr. Anderson was born in Sweden, April 25, 1850, and came to Washington County, Nebraska in 1880, where he was married to Sophia Carleton in 1880. Besides a loving wife, there are two girls and one boy left to mourn his death.
At the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Blair Telephone Company held Monday, the following resolutions were passed:
Whereas, the officers, members of the board of directors, members and patrons of the Blair Telephone Company, have learned with deep sorrow of the death of Peter Anderson, one of the directors of this company from soon after its organization until the time of his death, at which time he was holding the responsible position of member of directors of the company. His high position in this company was obtained by the exhibition of the highest qualities of his true and noble manhood; he was a refined gentleman and neighbor: no man came in contact with him without respecting him as a citizen and an official. He was generous and manly, imbued with a high sense of honor and pure personal character. He was gentle in manner as he was resolute in purposes; his friendship was true and lasting and highly valued by those who possessed it. He had the confidence of the members and patrons of this company and the people generally, seldom obtained by any one, and he discharged the duties of the office of director of this company with credit and fairness to all.
Therefore, be it resolved, that we deplore his death and recognize in it a grievous loss to this company and the people generally in this community [cut off] ..resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the proceedings of this board and a copy sent to the family of the deceased.
Signed: John Blaco, Pres., J.H. Jenson, V-Pres., John Eakin, Henry Rohwer, Treas., Frank Schafer, Wm. P. Cook, Secretary.
#2-9 Sept., 1908 - The Tribune - Peter Anderson
The death of Peter Anderson at the Blair hospital last Wednesday morning was a shock to his many friends. Mr. Anderson was taken to the hospital the Saturday before and was operated on for appendicitis. The operation was successful and the strongest hopes were held out for his recovery. Tuesday he was apparently doing fine, but during the night a change for the worse set in and with the result that he died at 8:00 a.m. Mr. Anderson has been a resident of Washington county upwards of thirty years, and owned one of the best 160 acres in the neighborhood of Spiker. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, two daughters and one son. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Poucher of Omaha at the Rose Hill church at two o’clock Friday afternoon and was largely attended by neighbors and friends, whose sympathy goes out to the bereaved family in their affliction.
~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Nebraska Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Public Library, Blair, Nebraska ~~~
FindaGrave 53417539