Carrie Free 12/24/1927
#1-December 29, 1927 Tribune, Blair, Nebraska
Mrs. Carrie Free Dies Following Injuries Received When Hit By Car Saturday Night
Coroner’s Jury Renders Verdict of Unavoidable Accident
Mrs. Carrie Free was fatally injured Christmas Eve at about 9:00 o’clock when she was struck by a car driven by Ben Bailey of this city. Mrs. Free was going across the street east of the North Side Store and Bailey driving north on Walker avenue as he later stated, saw the aged lady but that she stopped on the sidewalk before attempting to cross the street. Bailey stated that he slowed down as he at first did not know whether the lady was going to pass before him or not. Thinking that she would wait for him to pass on, he drove ahead and at the same time Mrs. Free walked ahead, evidently thinking that she could cross the street before the car arrived.
The front fender of the car caught Mrs. Free, dragging her some distance before she was thrown to the pavement. Bailey immediately stopped and with the assistance of Theo. H. Lundt, the injured lady was rushed to the Blair hospital. She was so badly injured when taken to the hospital that none of the attendants who had known her were able to recognize her. She was rendered unconscious by the force of the crash and did not regain consciousness before her death about four hours later. She was found to have a badly fractured skull and other bad bruises were discovered about her body.
The deceased was born December 31, 1860 in Indiana and moved to Washington county in her early womanhood. She had been a long-time resident of this city, and had a wide acquaintance in this community. She was possessed of a kind and sunny disposition, and was held in high respect by her many friends. She leaves to mourn her loss two sons, Claire, who had made his home with her in this city and Lloyd of Silver City, New Mexico; two brothers, Art Johns of this City and E. B. Johns of Central city. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the Presbyterian church with the Rev. Adams of Omaha officiating, after which burial was made in the Blair cemetery.
A coroner’s inquest was held at the county court house on Monday afternoon in charge of County Attorney Bernhard Lundt and twelve witnesses were called. None of the witnesses excepting Mr. and Mrs. Bailey were eye witnesses to the accident, but others testified as to marks found on the pavement. Evidence was taken for about three hours after which the jurymen were out but five minutes before rendering their verdict.
The following is copied from the report of the coroner’s inquest: “At an inquisition held at Blair, in the county of Washington, on the 26th day of December, A. D. 1927, before me Bernhard F. Lundt, county attorney ex-officio county coroner of said county, upon the body of Mrs. Carrie Free lying dead, by the jurors whose names are subscribed, said jurors upon their oath do say that Mrs. Carrie Free came to her death by being struck by an automobile driven by Ben Bailey. We the jury further find that it was an unavoidable accident and not feloniously done.” The above was signed by the six jurors and attested by the county attorney.
#2-Published in Pilot on 28 December 1927
An auto accident that proved fatal to Mrs. Carrie Free occurred at about 9:30 last Saturday evening, Christmas Eve, at the North Side Store corner. Mrs. Free was going home and was crossing the street east to the old spark plug factory in the old Maher building.
Ben Bailey was also going home with his wife in the car with him. As he neared the corner he saw Mrs. Free and slowed up for her. She also hesitated and he thought she was going to wait for him to pass, but just as he started forward she started to run in front of the car.
The fender knocked her down and her head struck the pavement, cracking the skull. She was taken to the Blair hospital at once but was so seriously injured that death came at about 1:30 that night. The funeral service was held at the Church of God at 2 o'clock this afternoon, Rev. Almus Adams, of Omaha, officiating. Burial was in the Blair cemetery by the side of her first husband, Isaiah Warrick, whose death occurred in 1885. There was a large attendance at the service and the wealth of flowers showed something of the high esteem in which Mrs. Free was held.
Carrie M. Johns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Johns, was born near Ft. Ritner, Ind., January 31st, 1861, so was almost 66 years of age. She came to this county with her parents when but four years of age settling in Cuming City township. There she grew to womanhood and in 1879 was united in marriage to Isaiah Warrick. Two sons were born to them, Lloyd and Claire Warrick. Lloyd lives in Silver City, New Mexico, and his two sons, Gilbert and Stewart, are the only grandchildren. Clair lives here , making his home with his mother.
Mr. Warrick died in 1885 and in 1891 Mrs. Warrick was married to Andrew Free, who lived but about two years. An only daughter died in infancy. They lived on a farm north of town, but Mrs. Free had lived in Blair for a good many years.
Besides the two sons and two grandsons she leaves two sisters, Effie, Mrs. Algy Bartlett of Santa Rosa, Caif., who was not able to be present at the funeral, and Etta, Mrs. George Mehrens, of Ft. Sumpter, N.M., who was here. Also two brothers, Arthur Johns, who lives north of town and Boone Johns, of Central City, Neb., both of whom were here. Mrs. W. H. Pruner, of Omaha, a cousin and many friends from out of town were present for the funeral service.
~~~Obituary courtesy of the Nebraska Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair, Nebraska Public Library ~~~