The following in relation to Mrs. Mary Allen, whose death was mentioned in last week's Times is handed us by an old acquaintance of the family for publication, and we give it space this week, as the testimony of all who knew her is, that Mrs. Mary Allen, or "Aunt Polly," as she was familiarly called, had a warm place in her heart for every friend, and all who knew her were her friends. Our correspondent says "her maiden name was Cammer; that she was born in Ohio, being at the time of her death 67 years old. She moved with her parents to Edgar county, Illinois, at an early day of that country, where she married John Allen and moved to Washington county, in this state, in the year 1856, where, with her family, she resided until the time of her death, last Friday.
Mrs. Allen has ever been a devoted wife, ever binding her husband to her by her Christian love and influence. A void that cannot be filled is felt by her husband, children and the neighborhood. Two years ago she lost by death a lovely daughter, and now herself has left her life companion to feel that he is alone. She also left a daughter and two sons to mourn her loss, yet they have the consolation of knowing she died triumphantly in the hope of a blessed immortality. |