Since the death date was given the newspaper article date was used. Published 6 Mar., 1930 - The Enterprise
A telegram received Sunday morning by the editor contained the sad news of the death of a brother-in-law, Wm. Barnhart of Villa Park, Illinois.
Deceased was in early manhood a resident of Blair, where he wed Miss Ida Rhodes. Later they moved to Michigan where for a number of years they farmed and about twenty two or twenty three years ago they homesteaded in Tripp county, South Dakota. Here they lived for a number of years and acquired a half section of South Dakota land.
One of the sons went to Chicago to take an electrical engineering course, and this later called them to Villa Park, which is a suburb of Chicago.
Of a family of five children, three are still living, the son, Jay in Chicago with whom they made their home, a daughter living on a farm in Michigan, and another son, Merle, on the homestead in South Dakota, who with the mother will mourn deeply the loss of a worthy father and husband.
Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Historical Society. Newspaper clippings on file at the Blair Public Library. |