As we go to press news came that J.A. Dixon found a three day old baby that had been thrown from the 3:46 train from Blair this (Thursday) afternoon. Mr. Dixon was returning fom the field about 5:30 when he saw a blanket between the Blair and Omaha tracks. On investigating he discovered it to be a baby and as a wire was freshly broken in a fence to the north and the position of the bundle indicated that it had been thrown from the Blair train.
The local undertaker, Mr. Reckmeyer, was at once notified and then Commissioner Heuermann and later County Attorney Mencke, Sheriff Compton and Coroner Pierce of Blair were notified and all came at once to the scene. The child was dressed in a diaper and shirt, wrapped in a white towell marked "B," the whole being wrapped in a gray blanket. Dr. Davies said that it was his opinion that the child was not dead when it left Missouri Valley. Telegrams were sent at once to Lincoln to try and locate the parties who committed the dastardly act.
July 17, 1913 An inquest was held over the remains of the infant child that was found under the railroad tracks on Thursday evening of last week by J.A. Dixon, as he was returning to his home from work. A jury consisting of Don. C. Weber, F.E. Webb, Delmer McCann, L.C. Gaines, Henry Rurup and E.F. Fassett, was sworn in, and after viewing the remains, and taking the testimony of several witnesses, it was decided that a post-mortem examination of the body ought to be had and the jury adjourned untill Monday, in order to give Dr. Davies time to make the investigation.
When the jury reconvened on Monday, the Doctor reported that the infant was about two days old, that it had been dead from 10 to 24 hours, and the death might have been caused by strangulation. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the Doctor's findings. Coroner Pierce was present during the jury sittings. The remains of the infant were buried in Arlington cemetery by Undertaker Reckmeyer last Saturday. |