Elias Anderson was born in Sweden on September 19, 1850, died in Kennard, Neb., March 15, 1913, came to American in 1876. He located in Chicago but after a short time moved to Omaha where he resided two years. He was married in 1886, seven children were born five of whom survive who with the wife and mother mourn the loss of a kind and loving father. The family has resided in Washington county for the past twenty-four years where the deceased followed his trade as a carpenter. Funeral services were under the auspices of M.W.A. camp of Kennard of which deceased was a member. Rev. G.W. Standsbury, of Blair, preaching an excellent sermon to one of the largest funeral assemblies ever witnessed in Kennard. Burial was made in Kennard.
Enterprise 21 March 1913
Elias Anderson
After six weeks of battling with a bad case of pneumonia Elias Anderson succumbed to death at his home about ten o’clock last Saturday night. In the early part of February Mr. Anderson began feeling bad, but as he was just finishing a long and particular job of work, lacking but a few days of finishing the fine new residence of W. H. Harrison, it was thought he was just tired out and that he would be better in a few days but day by day he grew worse until, against his wishes, as it was something unusual for him to be sick, a physician was called and found it to be a genuine case of pneumonia. A trained nurse was called after a few days and he was very low, but with good care he was able to sit up and be around his rooms for about three weeks before his death, and hopes were entertained that he would regain his health again. But about a week ago he began to fail and a relapse had taken hold of him and the end was near. Again a trained nurse was called and tenderly nursed him and all that hands could do was in vain, his time had come and his Maker called him home.
Mr. Anderson was a carpenter by trade and one of the best in his younger days he was a coffin and cabinet maker, this requiring the finest of work, but of later years he has been one of the leading contractors and builders in this county, building many of the most substantial and handsome homes in Washington county and many outside the county. He was an honest and upright citizen and enjoyed a wide circle of true friends and will be greatly missed by the entire community. His funeral was one of the largest ever held in Kennard, old friends from all over the county coming to pay a last tribute of respect to a departed friend.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon. Short services were held at the home, and then the remains were taken to the Methodist church, where Rev. Stansbery, pastor of the Christian church of Blair, preached one of the finest funeral sermons ever heard in Kennard. The M.W.A. lodge of which deceased was a member attended in a body and had charge of the services at the grave. Interment took place in the Kennard cemetery. The floral offerings were beautiful.
Mr. Anderson leaves to mourn their loss a wife, and six children, four boys and two girls, and two grandchildren.
Eias Anderson was born in S?ouland, Sweden, September 19, 1850. When twenty-six years of age he came to America and lived in Chicago two years then he came to Omaha.
In 1886 he was married to Augusta Wilhelmina Lgungdahl who at that time was living with the G. W. Johnson family, where they were married, and joining whose place they lived for thirteen years, when they moved to Kennard, where they have since lived. Eight children were born to them, six of whom are living.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank the many kind friends and neighbors who so ably assisted in the last sickness and death of our beloved husband and father, and for the many beautiful floral offerings at the last services.
Mrs. Elina Anderson; Mrs. Josephine Swihart; Charley Anderson; George Anderson; John Anderson; Oscar Anderson; Bertha Anderson.
Blair Democrat 20 March 1913
Elias Anderson, who died in Kennard last Saturday, was born in Sweden in 1850, and came to America in 1876, locating in Chicago and later moving to Omaha, where he remained two years. He was married to Miss Augusta Lgungdahl in 1886, and is survived by the wife and five children. The family has resided in this county for the past twenty-four years where Mr. Anderson followed his vocation as a carpenter. The funeral was held in Kennard Monday under the auspices of the M. W. A. lodge.