Thomas K. Jackson, a former Washington County resident of the Herman area, died Monday, March 21st at Long Beach, California. His death followed a lengthy illness. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jackson. He was born March 31st, 1895. He would have been 82 had he lived until Thursday of this week.
The deceased lived in the Herman until 1941 and was engaged in farming with his father. After 1941, he moved to Long Beach.
He served in the Armed Forces during the first World War, seeing action in France. He was wounded in action while overseas.
He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth, of Long Beach and a sister, Julia Bendorf, formerly of Blair but now residing in California and a brother John of ___man. Four sisters-in-law also survive: Mrs. Jeanette Jackson of Blair; Mrs. Gladys Jackson and Mrs. Ruth Jackson of Herman and Grace Jackson of Omaha.
There are also a number of nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held March 24th at Long Beach.