Mrs. Rice Arnold, aged 76, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T.F. Sturgess, in Omaha, Sunday morning, February 11, 1923.
Emeline Winifred Tew was born in Hartford, Conn., December 3, 1847. At the age of eight years she came with her parents to Ft. Calhoun, Nebr., where she resided until her marriage to Rice Arnold on December 12, 1867. Shortly after their marriage they came to Blair and established a home and lived here until seventeen years ago when they took up their residence in Omaha.
She was the mother of seven children, two dying in infancy; the youngest daughter, Edith, passing away in Omaha, April 23, 1908.
During her 48 years residence in Blair she took an active part in all the affairs incident to building up a new community and was always ready to assistance in times of trouble and sickness, and with good advice. Many of our citizens can hark back to the days when her presence seemed an actual necessity to the recovery of some one ill in their home. she was a member of the Methodist church, the Eastern Star and the Women's Relief Corps, in all of which she took an active interest.
During the past several years that Mrs. Arnold had been in failing health she had occasionally visited her old time friends and former neighbors in Blair, who gave her every attention that would contribute to her comfort and happiness and her visits were always anticipated with pleasure.
On Monday the body arrived in Blair and the funeral wa held at the Methodist church, Rev. J.A. Johnson presiding at the obsequies. A quartet consisting of F.W. Arndt, D.C. Van Deusen, Mrs. W.H. Myers and Mrs. John Rhoades sang three old favorite hymns: "Nearer My God to Thee," "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," and "Abide With Me." Mrs. E.R. Haggard presiding at the organ.
The pall bearers were Henry Raver, Clarkson Haller, Peter Tyson, Bert Redfiueld, Ben Bunn and Zenos Smith.
Those surviving of her family are her husband, three daughters, Mrs. John Astleford of Biloxi, Miss.; Mrs. George Byerly of Youngstown, Penn.; and Mrs. Thos. F. Sturgess of Omaha; and one son, Bige Arnold, of Moline, Ill., Mrs. Sturgess and Bige being the only children able to be present at the funeral.
About an hour after a telegram had been sent Mrs. Byerly apprising her of her mother's death, a message was received from her in Omaha, stating that Mr. Beyerly had passed away that morning. She is left with six children.
A nephew of Mrs. Arnold, Charles F. Tew, of Denver, the only surviving member of the original family, was in attendance at the funeral.
Blair friends extend condolence to the bereaved husband and other members of the family. |