Surname is spelled both "en" and "on" Headstone spelled Jacobsen
printed in The Pilot, Dec. 4, 1890
JACOBSON - - In Blair, on Tuesday evening, Dec. 2nd, Casper Jacobson, aged about 40 years.
Deceased came to this country about a year ago from Denmark and was employed in the Collar Factory. He has met with a series of misfortunes in the loss of two children but a few weeks since from diptheria. He leaves a wife and two children who were dependent on his strong arm for support, and has two children yet back in the old country. He.....(missing text)
printed in Blair Courier, Dec. 6, 1890
DIED - - At his residence in Blair, Neb., on Tuesday, December 2nd, Casper Jacobsen.
The funeral took place at the Danish church on Wednesday afternoon. The deceased leaves a wife and had but recently buried two children. We understand that two children remain in the old country. The Collar Maker's Aid Society attended in a body.