20 June, 1946 - The Enterprise - Anne Catherine (Ilsabein) Giesselman
Services for Mrs. H. H. Giesselman, 77, who passed away last Wednesday afternoon, were held on Sunday, June 16th, at St. Paul’s Lutheran church. Interment was made in St. Paul’s Cemetery.
Mrs. Ann Catherine Ilsabein Giesselman was born April 7, 1869 at Herrfurt, Westphalia, Germany. She immigrated to this country and arrived at Arlington March 10, 1890. On February 12, 1892 she was married to H. H. Giesselman at St. Paul’s church, the ceremony being performed by Pastor J. Hilgendorf. Ten children blessed the union.
In 1942 the couple observed their golden wedding anniversary.
At the time of her death Mrs. Giesselman was 77 years, 2 months and 5 days of age. She is survived by her husband and nine children. The daughters are Mrs. Henry Flake, Herman; Mrs. John Greunke, Fremont; Mrs. Howard Franke and Mrs. Fritz Bartling of Herman. The sons are Edward and Walter of Blair; Martin and Paul of Arlington.
There are also seventeen grandchildren. A brother and three sisters survive in Germany. |