Obituary Record

John Japp
Died on 4/5/1962



John Japp, 92, and a former Washington county resident, died at Sterling, Colorado early this week, it has been learned here.

Mr. Japp was born and grew to manhood in Washington county in the vicinity of Kennard. The home farm was in the Peaceful Hill district and he donated the land upon which the school now stands. He left here about 35 years ago, to engage in ranching in the west and has continued to make his home there.

He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Minnie Schneider of Blair and a sister, Mrs. Sherman Anderson, of Kennard, as well as a brother, Ed Japp, of Kennard and a brother, Ernest, of Gillette, Wyoming and a brother George, also located in Wyoming.

Mrs. Japp is still living as are several sons and daughters.

Funeral services and burial take place at Sterling, Friday.

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 4/5/1962