Obituary Record

John McKibben
Died on 9/9/1913
Buried in Arlington Cemetery

11 Sept., 1913 - Arlington Review-Herald - Bryan McKibbon

(McKibben on tombstone)

Sudden Death of McKibbon Boy

Bryan McKibbon, the 15-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McKibbon, passed away at his home in this place at 2:15 Tuesday afternoon, after a brief illness. The funeral was held this (Thursday) forenoon at 10 o'clock, interment taking place in Arlington cemetery. Rev. T. A. Truscott officiated. About two weeks ago Bryan and his sister, Miss Ruth McKibbon,left Arlington on a visit to a sister near Blancoel, Ia. While there he was taken sick with what was thought to be summer complaint, but he became so bad that he was brought back, arriving here last Saturday He continued to grow worse, until Sunday morning, when Dr. Davies was called. (unreadable) diagnosed his (unreadable) as appendicitis and that there was very little hope of relief, (unreadable) being in the most short term.

He continued to grow worse until death came to his relief Tuesday afternoon. Bryan was an exceptionally enterprising boy, having spent his vacation working for E. H. Elsner on his farm northeast of town, who speaks in the highest terms of his efficiency as a worker and his qualities as a boy. Bryan was a leader among his companions in school, and his death will be keenly felt.

Had He asked us, well we know
We should cry, oh spare the blow,
Yes, with streaming eyes, would say,
Lord, we love him, let him stay:
But the Lord does naught amiss,
And since He hath ordered this.
We have naught to do but still
Rest in silence on His will

#2 September 18, 1913 - Arlington Review-Herald - John Bryan McKibben


John Bryan McKibben was born in Des Moines, Ia , Feb. 16, 1899; died in Arlington, Nebr., Sept. 9, 1913, aged 14 years, 6 months and 24 days. He had a kind and loving disposition and his death is a sad blow to his parents, brothers and sisters. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. The pall bearers were bis Sunday School class. His class in the public school, with Prof. Gilkeson, attended in a body. Those from out of town attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gray and son David; Mrs.F. Davis, Mrs. John Comfort, Mrs., A. 10. Gray, Mrs. L Shannon, Mrs. T. Hathaway, of Blencoe, Ia.; Mr, and Mrs. J. B Graham, Mrs A ). Malick, of Edgar. Nebr ;. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Swanson, of Clay Center, Nebr.; his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Burr Comfort, of Blencoe, la

~~~Obituary courtesy of Nebraska Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file at the Public Library, Blair, Nebraska ~~~

FindaGrave # 44813827

Printed in the Arlington Review-Herald on 9/11/1913