Howard Jensen, well-known farmer, community worker and leader, passed away at his farm home west of Blair Monday afternoon.
Death came quietly after months of patient and painful suffering. He was surrounded by members of his immediate family.
With his passing, Washington County loses a man who has had a hand in most of the good things which have come to this county and a man whose place will be hard to fill. He has actively promoted things which have been for the betterment of not only his own neighborhood, but for the entire county and the hours which he has given to these cannot be counted or estimated.
Howard Jensen was born on the same farm on which he died, in 1898, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Jensen, both now deceased. He grew to manhood in the Orum vicinity and was married to Anne Marie Stroh, of Lincoln, June 30th, 1920. A short time after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Jensen returned to live on the home farm and except for a brief period of time, it was "home" all of his life.
Mr. and Mrs. Jensen became the parents of six children, one of whom died in infancy. The others survive their father's passing. They are Mrs. N.C. Bearden, of Tokyo, Japan; Mrs. Clifton Hiltabidel, of North Platte, Nebraska; Howard, Jr., of Lincoln; Jack P. of Blair and Edythe Mary of Blair. A son, Billy, died in infancy.
Other survivors are his stepmother, Mrs. J.P. Jensen, of Blair and four stepbrothers and sisters. They are John P. Jensen, of Kearney; Mrs. Eldred Larsen, of Omaha; Mrs. Warren Baller, of Lincoln; and Dr. Alfred C. Jensen of California.
Mr. Jensen was a good farmer, one who led the way in many innovations in the work, but he was exceptionally outstanding as a community worker.
He was a member of the Washington County Fair Board at the time of his death and had been a board member for many years. He served for a time on the executive board of the Nebraska State Fair. He was a charter member of the Washington County Farm Bureau, was a member of the Washington County Draft Board all through World War II and continued on the board until the time of his death. He was the first leader of the Triangle Baby Beef Club which was one of the original 4-H clubs formed in this county many years ago and he had served as a Triple A committeeman many times.
He was also President of the Scandinavian Mutual Insurance Co., had served many terms on the school board of his local district and had filled in innumerable other places where council and guidance were needed.
Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the First Lutheran Church. There, the casket will not be opened, by request of the family, but the body will lie in state at the Campbell Mortuary until noon Saturday.
Pallbearers will be cousins of the deceased man. They will be Lillard Jensen, Harold Jensen, Soren Jensen, Chris Jensen and Elmer Jensen, Alvin Svendgaard, Andrew Svendgaard, and Nels Svendgaard.
Honorary pallbearers will be William A. Steavenson of Fontanelle; Frank Byers of Kennard; Clarence King of Blair; John Stork, Ed Stork and August Stork of Blair and J.P. Reeh, of Arlington. All have been closely connected with Howard in the community work in which he has had a part.
Music at the services will be furnished by a quartette which was a part of the Triangle Baby Beef club which Howard founded. It was his request that they sing at the services - - a request which he made when he realized that he would not survive his illness. The quartette will bee composed of Everett, Harold, Martin and Harlan Stork.
The Rev. H.C. Jorgensen will deliver the funeral sermon and interment will be made in the Orum Cemetery.
The family has suggested that those who wish, may make a contribution to the cancer fund in lieu of floral offerings.
(Note: The Orum Cemetery's correct name is "Lincoln" Cemetery.)