Obituary Record

Alfred Pose Job
Died on 8/12/1912


Bert Co., Herald, 23 August 1912, Page 1, Column 3:


Alfred Pose Job was born in Putnam Co.,, Indiana, Dec. 18th, 1846, and departed this life Aug. 12th, 1912, at his home in Tekamah [Burt Co.,], Neb., aged 65 years 7 months and 24 days.

He leaves a wife, daughter, four brothers and host of relatives and friends to mourn his death.

He was preceded to his final rest by an infant daughter, four brothers and five sisters.

He united with the Methodist Church in childhood. When his country needed him from [18]61 to [18]65, it found him ready; he enlisted in June 1862 with the 117th Indiana Infantry for a short service; later, he enlisted with the 51st Indiana and in 1865 was mustered out in Texas, having served his country faithfully and loyally.

Four years after returning home, January 20th, 1869, he was united in marriage to Mary Jane Warrick. A year later they moved to Missouri, and after a year's residence, came to Nebraska. Like all pioneers and loyal American citizens he came west with his wife to assist in making the, then unconquered, West a typical American commonwealth. That he has nobly performed his share is attested in the love and esteem in which he was held by all who knew him. His sympathetic heart and helping hand have encouraged many to a better and nobler life.

Mr. Job had been in poor health for a number of years, but the past month he had been feeling unusually well until Saturday morning, Aug. 10, when he was stricken with the illness which resulted in his death. The quiet and beautiful service at the home were in charge of Rev. Williams of the Baptist Church, and the W. R. C. [Woman's Relief Corps.], while the last sad rites at the cemetery were conducted by his comrades of Boomer Post G. A. R. [Grand Army of the Republic] which was all in harmony with his quiet and useful life.