Obituary Record

Sybil B (Dillinger) Rathman
Died on 11/7/1960
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Rites For Rathman Today

Mrs. Norman Rathman (Sybil) of Blair passed away at her home at 2336 Fontenelle Boulevard, on Monday, November 7, 1960.

She was born June 17, 1907 and was 53 years of age.

Funeral services are being held Thursday at the Baptist Church with the Rev. Rex Bear of Omaha officiating. Burial will follow in the Blair Cemetery.

Pallbearers are Elmer Dixon, Grant Brewster, Ed Thompson, Jim Anderson, Harry Walker and Ross Nicholson.

Survivors are her husband, Dr. Norman Rathman; a daughter, Mrs. Quentin Quist (Joan), and two grandchildren and her mother, Mrs. Eva Mulford, all of Blair.

Mrs. Rathman has many friends in this community having been an instructor in tap dancing for many years. She often held recitals at which several children in one family would appear. Her daughter often assisted with the classes and appeared with her on the program.

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise with date unavailable