Obituary Record

Joe T. Alvarez
Died on 3/30/1977


Services Were Held Monday for Joe Alvarez Services will be held Monday, April 11, at the Baptist Church in Herman for Joe Alvarez who died at the age of 46 Wednesday, March 30, 1977. Reverend William Whittaker will officiate at the services.

Joe Alvarez was born September 21, 1930, to Adrian and Lena Alvarez. As a young man Joe Alvarez became a naturalized citizen of the United States. In 1950, he was united in marriage to Gloria Cruz in Los Eria, Texas. He traveled all over the United States and worked for five years in Montana before coming to Herman in 1972.

He is survived by his wife, Gloria; one daughter, Mary, and one son Jesse, both of whom still live at home. Three sisters, Mrs. Maria Alvarez of Fort Pierce, Florida, Stella Alvarez and Lupe Alvarez of Mexico; four brothers, and seven nieces and nephews also survive him.

Pallbearers for the services were Bill Cameron, Gale Petersen, Wesley Sprick, Walter Kruse, Jerry Method, and David Rogert.

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 4/7/1977