Obituary Record

Ella M Eickhoff
Died on 7/22/1969


Mother of Mrs. Bloch Passed Away

Mrs. Ella M. Eickhoff, 88, passed away Tuesday, July 22, at Dodge Co. Community Hospital after a lingering illness.

Ella M. Thornton was born July 4, 1881, at Tilden, Nebr. She was married July 21, 1898, to Emil Eickhoff. They moved to Fremont from Tilden 55 years ago.

Mr. Eickhoff and a son, Clarence, preceded her in death.

Mrs. Eickhoff resided at 12490 North Main St. in Fremont until 8 months ago when she moved to Arlington to make her home with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Bloch.

Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. David (Mabel) Bloch, grandson, Dr. Dean Bloch and three great- granchildren.

Funeral services were Friday at Lattin Dugan Chambers Chapel with Rev. William Simmer of First Methodist Church of Fremont officiating. Pallbearers were Stephen Belak, Herman Stelk, Herman Kohl, Hugh Wulbbenhorst, Dan Taylor and Vern Herald with burial in Memorial Cemetery.

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 7/31/1969