(3 newspaper articles)
# 1 - - published in The Tribune, 1/31/1912
Another of Washington county’s oldest residents passed over the Great Divide on Sunday last week when Levi Johnson succumbed after an illness of two days of Bright’s disease at his home near Dale.
Mr. Johnson was born September 7, 1832, in the state of Ohio and came to Nebraska in 1856. On March 17, 1872, he married to Miss Mary Gugan at Bethany, Mo., and to them six children were born, all of whom are living.
The funeral was held from the M.E. church at Elk City, Wednesday and was conducted by Rev. A.F. Schafer of Kennard. The body was buried in the Elk City cemetery.
# 2 - - published in the Blair Democrat, 2/1/1912
After two days illness, Levi Johnson died on January 21st, and was buried at the Elk City cemetery on Wednesday, the 24th. We failed to attend because we heard that the funeral was to have been held on Thursday. Mr. Johnson was born in Ohio, August 7, 1832, and leaves a wife and six children: Wm. Of Bancroft, Mrs. Grace Bartlett of Herman, Mrs. Clara Alexander and Arthur of Chico, Cal., Mrs. Laura Crellin, of Sioux City, and Oscar, the only child at home. Mr. Johnson moved with his parents to Sangamon, Ill., when quite young and from there he came to Washington county in 1856 and was living on his old preemption when he died. In his time Mr. Johnson has seen many ups and downs of pioneer life and well do we remember when we used to trade work in those early pioneer days. We always found Mr. Johnson a kind neighbor, as well as a kind and affectionate husband and father and he will be greatly missed by all, especially his family. We extend our sympathy to the mother and family in their sad bereavement.
Mrs. Johnson wishes us to extend thanks to their friends and neighbors for the kind assistance given them, and especially the M.W.A. and W.C.T. for their floral offerings.
# 3 - - published in the Kennard Enterprise, 2/2/1912
Again the Enterprise is called upon to chronicle the deaths of two of Washington county’s old and highly respected citizens, this time the Grim Reaper taking from our midst Levi Johnson, a prosperous farmer of near town, and Carl Puls of Bennington, well known to all Kennard people.
Levi Johnson was born in Medina county, Ohio, Sept. 7, 1832, and passed away at his home near Dale on Jan. 21, after an illness of only two days, the cause of his death being Brights disease.
In his early manhood Mr. Johnson removed from Ohio to Sangamon county, Illinois, and in 1856 came to Washington county, Nebraska, where he has made his home almost continuously since.
On March 17, 1872, Mr. Johnson was married to Miss Mary Gugan at Bethany, Mo., who with the following children survive the deceased: William of Bancroft; Mrs. Grace Bartlett of Tekamah; Mrs. Clara Alexander of Chico, Cal.; Mrs. Laura Crellin of Sioux City, Iowa; Arthur of Chico, Cal.; and Oscar who lives at home.
Funeral services were held last Wednesday from the Methodist church in Elk City, conducted by A.F. Schafer, and interment was made in the Elk City cemetery.