Obituary Record

S. S. (Mrs.) Gardner
Died on 12/11/1914


Enterprise 11 Dec. 1914

Mrs. S. S. Gardner Dead

Mrs. A. C. Jones has received a brief note from Mrs. Laquet, enclosing a newspaper notice of the death of her mother, Mrs. S. S. Gardner, widow of “Uncle Sam” Gardner, as he was known during the residence of the family in Blair, for a number of years, more than a quarter of a century ago.

They were neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jones, living across the alley from the Jones home, on the northwest corner of South and Eight Streets. Mrs. Laquet is the daughter, Minnie, a school girl in Blair, and there is a son, “Bert” both living at Seattle, Wash., where their mother died. Deceased was 79 years of age at the time of her death. The family was much respected and Mrs. Gardner was an educated, refined, Christian lady, beloved by all who knew her intimately.