Mrs. Bertha Edwards Died Here Sunday
Mrs. Bertha Edwards, lifetime resident of Washington County, died at Memorial Community Hospital in Blair Sunday, January 12th. She had lived at 1310 Grant Street in Blair at the Kelly Rest Home for the past eight years.
Mrs. Edwards was born at Kennard April 29, 1894. She was 74 at the time of her death. She was the wife of the late Harry Edwards who will be remembered by older residents as a Blair barber a number of years ago.
She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Milford (Ramona) Sheets of Arlington and by seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Funeral services were held Tuesday, January 14th at the Campbell Mortuary with the Rev. Richard Atherton, of the First Methodist Church in charge. Burial was made at the Kennard Cemetery.
Casketbearers were Roy Rosenbaum, Bob French, Lester Sorensen, Harlan Christensen, Henry Lautrup and Rollin Holmes.