Tribune 3 July 1912
Three Pioneers
Death Takes From Among Us Three Well Known and Respected Citizens
Peter Gilbertson
At his home in Blair, on Wednesday morning at 9:15 o’clock, occurred the death of Peter Gilbertson, one of Blair’s best known and most substantial citizens.
Peter Gilbertson was born at Holland Pastoral, Norway, June 7, 1840, making his age 72 years and 19 days. He was confirmed at the age of 15 in the Lutheran Church, Holland Pastorate, Norway, and was married to Miss Mattie Gran at Christiana, Norway, April 13, 1868, coming to American the following June.
To this union eight children were born, four girls and four boys – Mrs. J. A. Trainer of Cairo, W. Va.; Mrs. C. F. Daffer of Lyons, Neb.; Mrs. H. B. Marshall, Burnsville, W. Va.; Mrs. Guy Cook, Denver, Colo.; George of Niobrara, Neb.; Fred of Newcastle, Neb., and Edwin and Oscar of Blair.
In 1869 he took up a homestead in Grant Township, where he lived until April, 1903, when he moved to Blair, where he resided until the time of his death.
All the children were present at the funeral, which occurred on Friday, June 28, at 2 o’clock p.m., at the Episcopal Church, service conducted by the Rev. Marsh.
The deceased had been in bad health for a year and was confined to his bed for eleven weeks prior to his death.
A widow and eight children are left to mourn the loss of a kind husband and indulgent father.
As a citizen and neighbor there were none better. In his long residence in the county and in his congenial relationship among men he had the respect and love of all who came in contact with him in social and business affairs.
Card Of Thanks
We desire to express our most sincere thanks to the friends for their many deeds of kindness, the sympathies and the beautiful floral tributes during the sickness of our dear husband and father. Also to the members of the choir for their services at the funeral.
Mrs. Peter Gilbertson and Children
Pilot 3 July 1912
After an illness of about a year Peter Gilbertson died last Wednesday morning, June 26th, of cancer of the stomach, and the funeral was held at the residence on South Street at 1:30 and at the Episcopal Church at 2 o’clock on Friday. Interment was made in the Blair Cemetery.
Mr. Gilbertson was born in Holland Pastoral, Norway, June 7th, 1840, and was therefore 72 years and 19 days old. At the age of 15 years he was confirmed in the Lutheran Church. He was married to Miss Mattie Gran at Christiania, Norway, April 13th, 1868, and came to America the following June. In 1869 he took up a homestead in Grand Township where he lived until April 1903, when he moved to this city, where he resided until death.
Besides the wife he leaves eight children, four girls and four boys, as follows: Mrs. J. A. Trainer, of Cairo, W. Va, Mrs. C. F. Daffer, of Lyons, Nebr., Mrs. A. B. Marshall, of Burnsville, W. Va., Mrs. Guy Cook, of Denver, Colo., George of Niobrara, Fred, of Newcastle, Edwin and Oscar of this city. All were here for the funeral, also Mrs. Trainer, Mr. Daffer and Mr. Cook.
Mr. Gilbertson was a kind and loving husband and father, a sincere, honest and upright man, a loyal and patriotic citizen. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.