Obituary Record

Chris Andersen
Died on 6/18/1964
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Chris Andersen, 78, Buried Today Funeral services were held today (Thursday) for Chris Andersen, 78, 4620 M. Street, Omaha, a former Blair resident.

The services were held at the Bendorf Funeral Home, the Rev. George Pallesen officiating with interment in Blair Cemetery.

Mr. Andersen, who was born December 24, 1885, in Blair, died Monday in an Omaha Hospital.

Survivors include his wife, Linnie; daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Ann Schieffer and Mrs. Ilene Masek; son, Robert, all of Omaha; step daughters, Mrs. Clara Orcutt of Omaha, and Mrs. Marketa Meredith of Bellevue; a brother, Charley Andersen of Omaha, and fourteen grandchildren.

Pallbearers were Melvin, A.K., Raymond, Floyd and Harold Magill and Alvin Andersen.

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 6/18/1964