Obituary Record

Adam Gochenouer
Died on 10/31/1917


Pilot, Blair, NE 7 Nov. 1917

Adam Gochenouer died at the Blair hospital last Wednesday, Oct. 31st, of old age, having been failing for the past year. The funeral was held at the Lou Latta home on south Walker Avenue at 3:30 Friday afternoon, Rev. A. E. Marsh officiating.

Six grandchildren acted as pallbearers, Void and Clifford Ireland, Ira and Curtis Dixon, Inver Garner and Bruce Gochenouer.

Mr. Gochenouer was born in Warren County, Ohio, May 21st, 1832, and in 1853 was married to Frances K. Warrick, whose death occurred seven years later. Of this union three children were born, Joe and John Gochenouer and Mrs. Mary E. Stevens.

In 1862 he was married to Mary J. Burgess and to them were born six children, Mrs. O. M. Ireland, of Blair township, Mrs. Jas. Trimble, of Kadoka, S.D., Mrs. Lou Latta, Mrs. U. G. Garner and Mrs. G. G. Hines, of this city, and Mrs. J. L. Dixon, of Logan, Ia.

The following were present from out of town to attend the funeral: J. L. Dixon and family of Logan, Ia., Clifford Ireland and wife of Yutan, Arthur Purtell and wife, of Omaha, Mrs. Rathbun and Mrs. Willsey, of Belgrade, Mr. and Mrs. McCafferty and son, of Valley, Mrs. Grant Fox, of Florence, and Miss Beulah Latta, of Tekamah.