*two newspaper articles
Published in the Pilot 9/9/1914
Mrs. W.K. Jones died very suddenly last Saturday night. She has been ill a long time and underwent to operation last summer, but she seemed better and was up and around Saturday as usual. At about midnight she was taken suddenly worse. Mr. Jones went across the street to phone for the doctor and when he returned she bade him and the children goodbye and expired before the doctor arrived. The funeral was held at the Methodist church a 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Warren officiating. Almaretta Connelly, was born near Osage City, Mo., Dec. 10th, 1865, where she lived until she was 10 years of age, when her parents moved to Iowa, a few years later coming to Nebraska, locating near Lincoln. In the early 80’s they moved to Holt County, where she taught school several years. March 22nd, 1892, she married Wilford K. Jones, at Petersburg, Nebraska. To this union five children were born, three of whom together with her husband survive her. Baby Winneford dying in infancy, Lois Verna, the oldest, died October 8th, 1911, at Garden City, Kansas. From early youth she was always active in Christian work and several years ago together with her husband united with the Methodist Church of this city. The bereaved family has the sympathy of their many friends. Those present to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones of Omaha, Mrs. W. Calkins, of Colorado, a sister Mrs. Jones, and a brother Chas Connelly, of Hartington, Neb,
Published in the Tribune 9/9/1914
Mrs. Wilford K. Jones died suddenly at the family home in Blair Saturday night at twelve o’clock. She had been in poor health for several years and last fall seemed to fail rapidly, but she recovered rapidly this spring and was thought to be on the road to complete recovery. The day before the end came she was quite cheerful and seemed in the best of health. She was taken ill in the night and died before medical aid could be summoned.
Almaretta Connelly, was born near Osage City, Mo., December 10, 1865, where she lived until she was 10 years of age, when her parents moved to Iowa, a few years later coming to Nebraska, locating near Lincoln. In the early 80’s they moved to Holt County, where she taught school several years. March 22nd, 1892, she married Wilford K. Jones, at Petersburg, Nebraska.
On March 22, 1892, she was married to Wilford K. Jones at Petersburg, Nebr. To this union five children were born, three of who, with her husband survive her. One child dying in infancy and the eldest, Verna, died October 8,1911, at Garden City, Kansas.
To mourn her sudden demise there remains a devoted husband and three children. Gustava Merl, Orlo Wilford and Effie Paulipe, a mother Mrs. M. H. Connelly of Heatherdon, Canada; Three sisters, Mrs. Mary Calkins of Ft. Collins Colo, Mrs. A. N. Gould, Toledo, Iowa, Mrs. Lois Layne, San Francisco, Calif.; five brothers, Charles of Hartington, Nebr., John and Edmund, Alberta, Canada, and Chester and Luther in the state of Washington.
The funeral was held from the M. E. church in Blair at 2:00 o’clock Tuesday afternoon, Rev Geo. B. Warren conducting the service and the remains were laid to rest in the Blair Cemetery.