Since the death date was not given, the news article date was used.
Published in the Pilot-Tribune 12/13/1972
Mrs. Grace Jones, widow of the late Fred W. Jones, long time Arlington residents, died at the Dodge County Hospital Annex in Fremont Thursday.
Mrs. Jones, who was 84 years of age, was born at Blair March 9, 1887. She and her husband made their home in Arlington for many years. Mr. Jones, who was a carpenter by trade, died ten years ago.
Mrs. Jones is survived by two sons and a daughter. The sons are Walter and Kenneth Jones, both of Arlington. The daughter is Mrs. Philip Connelley, Mildred, of Hartington, Nebraska. There are nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at the Arlington Community church last Saturday, December 11th with the Rev. Leo Zillig conducting the service. Burial was made in the Blair Cemetery under the direction of the Reckmeyer Funeral Home.
Pallbearers were Warren Hammang, Eugene Frye, George Schoettger, Leonard Wulf, Leonard Thompson and L. R, Rosenkilde.