Obituary Record

Herbert (H. L.) Jones
Died on 8/16/1911


Three newspaper articles

Since the death date was not given, the news article date was used.

# 1 - - Published in The Tribune 8/16/1911

Tuesday night at 12:30 o’clock death claimed Herbert Leslie Jones, the cause being this old trouble of paralysis, the last attack striking him after returning from the Chautauqua last Thursday evening, when he was seized with two severe chills lasting for four hours.

Herbert Jones was born in Maquon, Ill., August 13, 1853, and on December 23, 1877, was united in marriage to Carrie Morton. They removed to Blair twenty-seven years ago and have made this their home almost continually since that time. To them five children were born, all of whom are living.

“Hub” as he was generally known over the county, was a man who knew how to attend to his own affairs, and this trait of character endeared him to the hearts of his fellows and when the sad news of his death was made known a shadow of sorrow was apparent whenever his name was spoken because he was loved and respected by all men.

No funeral arrangements have as yet been made and will not be until word is received from relatives living at a distance.

# 2 - - Herbert Jones (H.L.) d. 8/16/1911

Since the death date was not given, the news article date was used. Published in The Pilot 8/16/1911

The end came quickly for H.L. Jones at 12:30 last night, flowing a third paralytic stroke that left his entire left side helpless. He was out at the Chautauqua last night; when he got home he had a chill that lasted about four hours. His stomach and heart bothered him for several days and he seemed to improve, going down stairs Monday evening. Tuesday morning Mrs. Jones noticed there was something wrong and sent for Dr. Fees, who quickly found his entire left side was paralyzed. He couldn’t speak but he could open his right eye and was conscious at times during the day, recognizing the family and once put his right arm around his wife’s shoulder and caressed her. He slept most of the time and at about 12:30 the deep sleep of death came over him. About ten years ago he received a slight stroke on the right side; one Saturday afternoon and on Sunday morning a second one laid him low. For several months he was confined to the house, but he improved gradually and had quite recovered from the effects in recent years. The third stroke was too heavy for it was on the side of the heart, the seat of life. His oldest daughter, Mrs. Edith Landers, was notified of his illness and came over from Grand Island in time to see her father alive and to be recognized by him. A son Edgar, and daughter, Mrs. Martha Smith, both live at Fairpoint, S.D. and will come to attend the funeral. Herbert L. jr. and Josiah E. live at home. He leaves one brother Ran Jones, of Colby, Kansas, who will also come for the funeral. His aged mother and only sister, Mrs. Zella Fremole, live at Cureall, Mo. Mr. Jones was born at Maquon, Ill., August 13th, 1863 and he was married to Miss Carrie Morton December 23, 1877 at Maquon. About 28 years ago they came to this county, settling on a farm southeast of town, moving to Blair sometime later. Mr. Jones was a good father and a good citizen whom we shall all miss greatly. He made a brave struggle to overcome the effects of the stroke ten years ago, and was patient and submissive to the hand that dealt the blow. We are sure he was ready to obey the summons when the last call came.

# 3 - - Published in the Blair Dem

The funeral of the late H. L. Jones was held at the family residence last Sunday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. Cabeen officiating, and the remains were followed to the Cemetery by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends.

Mr. Jones was born at Maquon, Ill., August 13th, 1853, and was married to Miss Carrie Morton, December 23, 1877. They came to Nebraska about twenty-eight years ago settling on a farm southeast of this city, later moving to Blair.

The following from abroad were in attendance at the funeral: Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of Colby, Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. M Freemol, of Cureall, Mo., Miss C. Jones of Kansas City, Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones and Mrs. Walter Smith, of South Dakota, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Landers, of Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. Crabill, of Kearney. Mr. Jones’ mother who lives at Cureall, Mo., was unable to be present at the funeral.

In the death of Mr. Jones the community loses a good citizen. He was popular with all who knew him and will be greatly missed by all. He was a good husband and father and the sympathy of the community is with the bereaved wife and children in their hour of sorrow.