Published in The Enterprise 10/9/1958
Orville Porter Jones, a resident of Blair for many years, passed away at his home Monday, October 6th. Death was sudden and had not been preceded by illness.
The deceased was born July 21st, 1892 at Lebanon, Missouri. He came to this area a number of years ago and for many years was a framer (farmer ?). He was retired at the time of his death.
He is survived by five daughters and two sons. His wife passed away in 1934.
Surviving sons are Frank Jones, of Minnesota, and William Jones of South Dakota. The daughters are Gladys Moore of Denver, Colorado, Lenora Schrat, of Omaha. Lindora Hoke, of South Carolina and Sue Stricklett and Elsie Moore, of Blair. There are 24 grandchildren.
Two brothers, Lee and Sam Jones, reside at Lebanon, Missouri, and brothers Clarence and Fred Jones live in Idaho. A sister, Mrs. Grace Barr resides in Chicago and another sister, Mrs. Howard Goans, lives at Lebanon, Missouri.