Pilot Tribune 28 Sept 1970
Obert Gosker, 50, Died Suddenly At Home Friday
Lifetime Farmer Of Telbasta Area Died Without Warning
Obert Gosker, well-known farmer of the Telbasta area died suddenly at his home Friday. Death was attributed to a heart attack. He had been in good health and had had no forewarnings of the problem.
Obert William Gosker was born at Arlington March 30, 1920, and had lived in the Arlington and Telbasta area all of his life. He was fifty years of age at his death. He was the son of Fred and Clara Gosker. His father had preceded him in death but his mother still lives on a farm nearby.
Mr. Gosker was married to Miss Helen Nelson of Oakland, Nebraska, on October 4, 1945, and they immediately began their life as farmers of the Telbasta area. Mrs. Gosker survives her husband. They became the parents of two daughters, both of whom are living. They are Mrs. Roy Dear (Earlene) of Omaha and Mary Helen who is living at home.
In addition to his wife and daughters, he is also survived by his mother, a brother, three sisters and two granddaughters. The brother, Marvin Gosker, lives with his mother on a farm in the same vicinity.
The sisters are Mrs. Ervin Christ, of Fremont; Mrs. Bob Schulz, of Omaha, and Mrs. Robert Whorton of Arlington Heights, Illinois.
Funeral services will be held at Fremont this Monday Afternoon at the Calvary United Methodist Church in Fremont. Services will be held at 2 p.m. under the direction of the Reckmeyer Funeral Home of Arlington.
Funeral Card
In Memory of Obert Gosker
Date of Birth March 20, 1920 Date of Death Sept. 25, 1970
Place and Time of Services Calvary United Methodist Church, Fremont, Nebraska; 2:00 P.M.; Monday, September 28, 1970
Clergyman: Rev. G. F. Jansson, Winslow, Nebraska
Music: “In the Garden”; “Saved by Grace”
Mixed Quartette
Mrs. G. F. Jansson, Pianist: Mrs. Vernon Geisler, Pianist
Place of Interment: Telbasta Cemetery
Arrangements by Reckmeyer Funeral Home, Arlington, Nebraska
Casket Bearers: Darrell Flake; Delmar Gosker; James Larsen; Dean Lallman; H. K. Niederdeppe; Norman Kruger