Pilot Tribune 25 June 1953
Pvt. Matzen, 20, Dies In Korea Battle
Death Mars Reunion At His Grandfather’s Home In Kennard Sunday
The tragedy of the Korean War cast its shadows this week over the family of August Matzen, Sr., of Kennard after they had gathered there for a reunion Sunday.
Word was received of the death in action of 20-year-old Pvt. Melvin Matzen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Matzen, now of Hot Springs, S.D., who were present for the reunion.
According to word received here, Pvt. Matzen was killed June 11. He had written his parents June 9 that he had just returned from a two-weeks rest and was returning to the front lines.
Surviving Pvt. Matzen besides his parents are two brothers, Elmer, St. Helens, Ore., and Chris Matzen, Jr., of Hot Springs; also three sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Place of St. Helens, Mrs. June Hirst of Patridge, Kan., and Miss Adeline Matzen of Hot Springs. Another sister, Evelyn, died in infancy.
The body is being returned for burial. Interment is to take place at St. Helens, where the family plans to move soon.