Tribune 7 June 1916
John Lochlin Tracy was the son of Dr. Jonathan Tracy and Elizabeth Westbrooks Tracy. His father was a native of N.Y. State and his mother of the State of New Jersey. He was born near Portsmouth, Ohio, Nov. 10, 1836; here he obtained his early education, after taking a course in music and more advanced studies at Lebanon College, Ohio. This fitted him for both a teacher of music and public school work; which occupation he followed for a period of about six years.
Owing to poor health he was obliged to seek different employment, hence he took to farming. He was united in marriage to Mary Jane Nichols, Jan. 6, 1859, at Portsmouth, Ohio. In the year of 1865 he moved to Mt. Pleasant, Ia., and in connection with farming engaged in the dairying business.
In the spring of 1883 he came to Blair, Nebr., having bought a farm south of town, and continued in his former occupation for a number of years. Being unable to further pursue the activities of farming he sold the farm and bought property in Blair; here he lived till six years ago, when at the death of his wife, he had made his home with his children.
Mr. Tracy was made a Master Mason at Abingdon, Ia., in the year 1870 and he and his wife were later made members of the Order of the Eastern Star, but owing to raising their family they were unable to attend and on moving to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, let their membership be dropped. In the year 1886 Mr. Tracy affiliated from the Masonic Lodge of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, to the Blair Lodge of which order he was a member till the time of his death.
Mr. Tracy was of a strong Christian character, he was converted at the age of 12 years and being reared under devout Christian parentage, lived true to the principles of the teachings of the Methodist Episcopal Church of ? years, and having acted in the capacity of many of the official duties of the church that was ever dear to him. He labored much for the erection of the church that now stands and from which place the last tribute of love and respect was held.
At home of his daughter, Mrs. E. L. Cain on Wednesday morning, May 24, he was stricken with a paralytic stroke of the right side and altho attended by one of the best physicians and ministered to by loving children, he gradually grew weaker and passed from this life as he had lived, peaceably and without a struggle on Monday morning at 3:35 a.m., May 29. “He was not for God took him”. “His children rise up and call him blessed.”
The body was brought to Blair Wednesday morning by auto hearse and taken to the M.E. church. In charge of the Masonic body it lay in state till 2 p.m. at which time the services were held. Rev. E. L. Dodder, of Omaha, who is an intimate friend of the family, had charge of the remains assisted by Stanley Pierce, of Blair. Rev. C. N. Dawson, of Omaha, an old time friend, and pastor of the family conducted the services assisted by Rev. Lewis and Rev. Esplin, of Blair. The music was furnished by a male quartette consisting of John Moore, Rev. Lewis, Dr. Chas Mead and Wm. F. Arndt.
The floral offerings were many and beautiful and bespoke, in part the high esteem in which the deceased was held by those who knew him.
The Masonic Lodge had charge of the services at the grave.
To Mr. and Mrs. Tracy were born thirteen children, seven of whom are living and all of whom were at his bedside during his last illness. They are Jno. Gilbert, and Wm. Guy, of Omaha; Mrs. J. L. Edward of Blair; Mrs. E. L. Cain and Mrs. Bandle, of Omaha; Mrs. L. G. Dixon, of Tekamah and Mrs. U. S. Cain, of Fremont. He is also survived by eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Card Of Thanks
We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for the kindness shown us in our late sorrow, especially those who so kindly ministered to us at the church and in the home. To the male quartette we are grateful and to those who sent flowers.
Children of the late J. L. Tracy.