Pilot 22 April 1907
Wm. Rutledge expects to leave tomorrow for South Dakota where he will take charge of a grading outfit in which his boys are largely interested.
Wm. Rutledge received the sad news Thursday, that his son, Arthur, who has been for some time at Excelsior Springs, Mo., died Thursday morning of paralysis after five weeks treatment, and during this time, made him two visits, the first trip he spent two weeks and the second one. His brother and Dr. Lukens went down to see him, arriving there a couple of hours before he died.
Arthur Ellis Rutledge was born in 1877 and was twenty-nine years, eleven months and sixteen days old at the time of his death.
The body arrived in Herman on Friday the 19th, and the funeral was held Sunday from the Methodist Church. Rev. R?use, of Tekamah, assisted by the presiding elder of this district, Rev. Gorst officiating.
Mr. Rutledge was born in Burt County, but has spent the greater portion of his life here where he leaves many friends to mourn his untimely death and whose sympathy goes out to the bereaved family.
Note: Since the actual death date was not given, the date the body arrived in Herman was used.