Tribune 25 June 1925
Mrs. K. S. Sprague died at the Soldiers Home at Burkett last Saturday, the remains being laid to rest in the Blair Cemetery Monday. Rev. McKeeman had charge of the funeral.
Mrs. Sprague was 78 years old and had lived in Blair a number of years before going to the Soldiers Home. She is survived by a daughter who lives at Des Moines.
Pilot 24 June 1925
Mrs. Celia Sprague died at the Soldiers’ Home at Grand Island last Saturday and the body was brought here Monday for burial by the side of her husband, the late K. S. Sprague.
The funeral service was held at the Congregational Church, of which she was a member, the pastor, Rev. James. A. McKeeman, officiating.
She was also a member of the W. R. C. and they conducted their burial service at the conclusion of the pastor’s address.
Deceased was born at Shalorsville, O., June 20, 1846, so was 79 years of age. Shortly after she came to Blair in 1884, she was united in marriage to K. S. Sprague and this was her home for over 41 years. Following a paralytic stoke she was taken to a hospital at Burkett for care, as she was living alone here.
She is survived by one daughter, Frances, Mrs. J. A. Wilson, of Des Moines, Iowa. Another daughter, Jessie, Mrs. N. L. Squires, passed away some two years ago. A step-daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Bliven, lives at Pueblo, Colorado. She is the last of a family of eleven children. She was a good mother, neighbor and friend and will long be remembered by many old friends.
Note: Since the actual death date was not given, the news article date was used.