Enterprise 5 Aug. 1943
Donald Taylor Rites Sunday
Donald George Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Taylor, passed away in an Omaha hospital last Friday afternoon.
Three years ago Donald underwent a major operation from which he never fully recovered and which apparently had much to do with his last illness.
He was born near Rose Hill, May 5, 1928, and was thus past fifteen years of age at his death. For three years he had been a patient sufferer and the end came not unexpectedly but still as a shock to his family and friends.
He leaves two sisters, Jean 17 and Peggy 4, and three brothers, Bill 16, James, 13, and Sam 12, besides the bereaved parents in the immediate family, and a grandmother, Mrs. Emma Taylor, of Blair, and a grandfather, Gus Carlson of Pasadena, California.
Funeral services conducted by Rev. A. W. Clarke of Herman were held at the Rose Hill Church on Sunday at 10 a.m. and interment was made in the Rose Hill Cemetery. The pallbearers were all close friends of the deceased and wee Roy Hansen, Ross Love, Louis Christ, Arthur and Albert Kempcke and Randall Richter.
Note: Since the actual death date was not given, the news article date was used.