Blair Courier 21 Jan. 1893
Funeral of Mrs. Whitney.
The funeral services of Mrs. Julia A. Whitney of Elk City, Neb., was attended at the M. E. Church at that place January 11, 1893, by a large number of sympathizing neighbors and friends. Rev. J. Zinnari, Lutheran minister, officiated in the services with beautiful selections in singing by the choir.
Mrs. Whitney was an old resident and a member of the Congregational Church, much esteemed and respected by her neighbors and all who were brought in contact with her. By her mild and kid disposition she leaves all to mourn the loss of a kind wife and affectionate mother, and a noble friend.
The deceased was a member of Sarepta Chapter O.E.S. No. 48, who were in attendance and had charge of the funeral. The remains were laid to rest in Elk City Cemetery. Peace to her ashes, and may her many virtues be kept in memory. W.D.B.
Note: Since the actual death date was not given, the services date was used.