Obituary Record

Herman Lallman
Died on 2/11/1911


Since the exact death date was not given, the news article date was used.

Published in Blair Democrat, 2/11/1911

Herman Lallman, a resident of Nebraska for more than forty years, expired suddenly at his home in Fremont, about 9 o’clock Sunday evening. Mr. Lallman had been in his usual good health all day and retired as usual in the evening. He was seized with a sudden ailment and died before a physician could be summoned. For fourteen years past, Mr. Lallman has been subject to periodical spells of sudden sickness.

Mr. Lallman was born in Germany, December 21, 1847. He came to America in 1867 and came at once to Nebraska, locating on a farm in Washington County, seven miles northwest of Arlington. There he resided until two years ago, when he moved to Fremont. His wife, one son and two daughters, survive. The children are Will Lallman, Mrs. Will Springer and Frieda Lallman. They all reside in this county.